Carla Fiocchi

I was born in Monfalcone, North-East Italy, the most northern point of the Mediterranean sea…

My zodiac sign is Scorpio (like Canaletto, Hogarth, Monet, Picasso, Vermeer… what awe-inspiring company!)

As a teen-ager I was profoundly affected by my first visit to the Museum of Impressionism in Paris.

My early attempts at painting were interrupted by life events and it wasn’t until later when I went to the Libera Accademia of Cividale, that I started to paint seriously. I worked with maestro Roberto Dolso who introduced me to the intriguing experience of painting en plein air.

The “stage” held in Provence in the light and colour that have fascinated so many artists – was unforgettable.

My style? I am obviously influenced by the post-Impressionists, but I do not want to give my style a name. For me, the important thing is to be able to put my emotions into the painting, to animate my canvas with my brushwork. Each painting represents my wish to translate my sentiments onto canvas. To me, painting is not just a hobby, but part of my life.

I use colours that are delicate and also melancholic, which, at the same time, can be both joyful and bright.

I work mainly with oil on canvas or paper.

I have entered several painting competitions and taken part in many group exhibitions in my own Region and elsewhere. Some of the most rewarding recent participations include the exhibitions in the Museo Nazionale Villa Pisani in STRA (spring 2013) and in the historic complex of San Zaccaria in VENICE (summer 2015). Some of my works are to be found in private collections in Italy and abroad.

Painting in the outdoors in autumn and spring continues to provide pleasant moments – plein air painting still holds a powerful effect.

My other interests include travelling, music , photography and historic vehicles.

Spring 2009. Once again the beautiful season alluring the landscape painter to take up the exciting challenge offered by the wonders of nature has returned. So the new challenge has driven me well north, as far as the tulip fields that Holland is rightly proud of.

An exacting task. The vastness of the landscape with the overwhelming power of many colours was so strong that I found it almost impossible to convey onto the canvas the life, the breath and the emotions caused by that striking view. As a consequence, the pictorial result has rather suffered from this inner conflict. In any case, my artistic adventure experienced in the Dutch countryside and the excitement that burst out from the full immersion in that particular setting are memorable and will stay forever.